Spread Eagle International Company is a team of professional with an excellent knowledge and experience, our knowledge of the business in China combined with our experience and skills allow us to offer the most effective solutions for our customer’s business. We continuously update and systematize our database with the best suppliers and manufacturers to offer the best prices and quality.
Spread Eagle International company communicates with most of the Chinese manufacturers, research centers, legal, and advertising companies, We make our constumers save much money by linking them directly to the best suppliers according to their demand. The company’s head office is located in Guangzhou, representative offices in Shenzhen and Yiwu. Spread Eagle International.,Ltd orders different products from the factories for our customers, inspect the products before exporting and shipping to the customers destination. We aim on quality service, professionalism and continuous development. Our good reputation made the demand for our services increasing constantly.
Our cooperation with International customers is based on professionalism mutual respect and trust, our customers business activities are strictly confidential, Our company’s activities are 100% legal and transparent, we proceed according to the People’s Republic of China and International law.
- INTERPRETERS: Our professional Chinese, English, Arabic and French interpreters make life easier for our customers during their stay in China and are ready to accompany them to the factories and suppliers.
- INSPECTORS: Our Technicians and Inspectors have the ability and skills to inspect our customers complex products at the factories before the export, the products and goods must match the orders and contracts.
- LEGAL ADVISORS: We make sure that our customers business terms are respected, our staff follows each detail to make our customers business safe easy and legal.
- ASSITANTS & STAFF: Our Assistants helps with the process of Sourcing, Export, Warehousing and documents procedure